Friday, 23 December 2011

Connection 1,***,6201 connect (Connection refused)

PROBLEM:Con­nec­tion 1,***,6201 con­nect (Con­nec­tion refused) where *** is the server’s ip address might occur on Ora­cle Appli­ca­tion Server 10g Infra­struc­ture or MiddleTier. I faced this problem when trying to apply patch on OID infrastructure.

SOLUTION: Try to understand where you problem is and then try this solution
This prob­lem is due to file per­mis­sions on the Appli­ca­tion Server direc­tory , try a chmod –R oracle:dba on the direc­tory and then run on both infra­struc­ture and portal. For my specific problem I ran from OID home which resolved the problem.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. Worked for me fine (run only for Infra and MT Homes)
